4 SFPA Members Elected to Treated Wood Council Board

Treated Wood Council Board

Four Southern Forest Products Association members were elected to serve on the Treated Wood Council Board of Directors during the organization’s annual meeting November 21-22 in Alexandria, Virginia.

Stacey Walley of Weyerhaeuser, a Lumber Manufacturer member of the SFPA, was elected to serve as secretary/treasurer of the board.

The following SFPA members were elected to serve two-year terms and represent their respective areas of service on the Treated Wood Council board:


The Treated Wood Council serves companies that harvest and saw wood, manufacture wood preservatives, produce pressure-treated wood products, or serve the treated wood industry. The Treated Wood Council monitors and responds to legislation and regulatory activities related to the treated wood industry. It does not set standards nor does it conduct promotional campaigns.

Given that a majority of treated lumber is Southern Pine, SFPA works closely with the Treated Wood Council as an industry partner to continue driving value through the forest products supply chain.

Learn more about the Treated Wood Council at treated-wood.org.