SFPA Seeks Proposals for In-Depth Egyptian Market Assessment

Caribbean Market Assessment

The Southern Forest Products Association is seeking proposals for an individual or agency to conduct a one-time in-market assessment and annually evaluate performance measures in Egypt over the course of five years (2025-29). Click here to download the complete request for proposals.

SFPA, founded in 1914, is a nonprofit trade association representing the Southern Pine lumber industry. SFPA is recognized as one of the foremost trade organizations in the forest products industry and represents Southern Pine lumber manufacturers from Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Member mills produce half of the Southern Pine lumber in the United States.

SFPA is headquartered in the metro New Orleans area, with staff directing marketing programs to serve the entire U.S., and international market consultants serving markets in Europe, the Middle East, Mexico, the Caribbean, China, and India.


Please submit your proposal by October 31, 2024, and include the following:

  1. A brief description of your firm.
  2. At least three references, including the names of individual contacts and their contact information.
  3.  A detailed description of the project team, including experience, education, and representative clients in the past five years.

Proposal Objective

Egypt is an emerging market for SFPA, and though some previous work has been conducted through the Emerging Markets Program (EMP), U.S. Southern Pine lumber products are relatively new to the region and are niche products compared with established suppliers such as Sweden, Finland, and Russia. However, there are elements of U.S. Southern Pine that have proven attractive to the Egyptian trade, who began importing U.S. Southern Pine lumber products in modest quantities following exposure to the product.

SFPA will contract with a third-party market research firm to collect market intelligence and develop a list of trade contacts in Egypt that will be used to guide further programming in the market. This research will be used to get a “pulse of the market,” identify awareness of U.S. Southern Pine lumber products, develop a better understanding relative to competitors, and highlight areas of need where SFPA can assist.

This research will be conducted in the first program year of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agriculture Services’ Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP) in time for the action items to be incorporated into the next program year. Following separate ongoing initiatives in Egypt, SFPA will have robust data collected on the views of stakeholders regarding U.S. Southern Pine lumber products and how those views influence their behavior with regard to sourcing or specifying U.S. Southern Pine lumber products, with data points following the logic of target awareness, preference, perception, and behavior change.

This data will be used to evaluate the impact of SFPA programming in the region and inform the marketing mix and strategy in subsequent program years. This data will also be used as the performance measure data reported as part of this program.

Project Scope of Work

Specific tasks of the individual or agency include:

  1. Collect additional data on the Egyptian market including contacts, attitudes, and needs of relevant target audiences. This information will be used to guide further programming in Egypt in subsequent program years.
  2. Work with SFPA to facilitate contact with regional stakeholders. Assistance will be provided if necessary.
  3. Complete market assessment and follow up with SFPA for any additional questions or items.
  4. Review outputs of market assessment with SFPA and consult with in-country representative to determine next steps.
  5. Confirm parameters of surveys. Write up and send out an annual survey to in-region contacts based on parameters established by discussions and meetings with various contacts (buyers, exporters, university faculty, etc.) to collect data relevant to our annual activities. The results will be used to help inform any adjustments to programming in the subsequent program year.
  6. Survey results are presented to SFPA in time for reporting evaluation and performance measures in the UES and progress reports.

Final Deliverable

A comprehensive market assessment yielding valuable insights and will use the intelligence gathered to enhance its programming. Concurrently, this initiative aims to strengthen relationships with in-country contacts by establishing multiple feedback forums. SFPA’s responsiveness to their feedback underscores its commitment to being an active partner and stakeholder, aligning its efforts with the specific needs and dynamics of their businesses.

SFPA will have robust data collected annually that can be used to measure the impact of its programming on the attitudes of the trade in the region. This data will be used both to report program
performance (i.e. RAPP performance measures) and evaluate program performance and make adjustments to programming and potentially the activity mix if it is determined that progress is not being made.

Selection Criteria

  1. The selection of the individual or agency will be based upon the following:
  2. Knowledge of the wood, building materials, and construction industry in the target markets.
  3. Contacts in the target countries involved in the wood trade and construction industry.
  4. Experience in researching market trends and opportunities in the target countries.
  5. Relevant background of staff to be assigned to this project.
  6. Experience with USDA/FAS cooperator promotion programs.
  7. Experience with the U.S. Agricultural Trade Offices, Foreign Agricultural Service, the U.S. cooperators and the American embassy staff.
  8. Suggested fee schedule.
  9. Statement that working with the SFPA construes no conflict of interest with the Agency’s other clients or affiliates.
  10. Completeness and thoroughness of the proposal.


Selection will be made by November 19, 2024. Only those firms meeting the criteria above will be considered. All proposals must be received by October 31, 2024, and addressed to:

Eric Gee
Executive Director, Southern Forest Products Association

Alaina Hanson
Director of Administration, Southern Forest Products Association

Questions regarding this RFP or your proposal submission may be addressed to:

Alaina Hanson
Director of Administration, Southern Forest Products Association

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