Avoid Forest Products EXPO Hotel Scams

EXPO hotel scams

Many companies are presenting themselves as being an official part of the 2025 Forest Products Machinery & Equipment EXPO.


Anyone who calls you before April with EXPO 2025 hotels is not affiliated with Forest Products EXPO. Unfortunately, this year, they seem to be more aggressive in their tactics.

The official – and only – Forest Products EXPO contracted hotels and ensuing rates, which are contracted by SFPA, must be booked directly through the EXPO website when housing opens in April.

Reservations made through any other agency cannot be guaranteed by SFPA or the Forest Products EXPO.

SFPA nor its official EXPO partners do not sell or share your information. That’s why we work with our partners to keep all data behind password-protected sites.

While we wish we could prevent it, these solicitations from unofficial vendors are often the result of obtaining public information available on the internet, so we appreciate your patience and understanding.


Many of these same companies are trying to sell exhibitor or attendee contact data and booth-building services. Anyone who calls you before April with EXPO 2025 list or service “assistance” is not affiliated with Forest Products EXPO.

As mentioned above, SFPA does not sell exhibitor or attendee lists or contact information to anyone and only provides this information to official EXPO partners to inform exhibitors and attendees of show-related services.

EXPO exhibitors are frequently targeted by companies not associated with SFPA and Forest Products EXPO, offering attendee lists, booth enhancements, and other services from the “Forest Products Machinery & Equipment Exposition” and/or other variations on the EXPO or SFPA name or logo.

These companies have nothing to do with EXPO or SFPA.

For more information, please visit https://sfpaexpo.com/expo-advisories/.