American Softwood Lumber Standard
American Softwood
Lumber Standard
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s American Softwood Lumber Standard PS 20 correlates lumber size to moisture content. Green and dry lumber are measured using separate size schedules to ensure both products will approximate the same size in service. Additionally, all bills and invoices must show actual net sizes of lumber.
Strength and stiffness values for Southern Pine lumber in current Southern Pine Inspection Bureau Grading Rules have been approved by the American Lumber Standard Committee’s Board of Review.
PS 20 provides for a National Grading Rule (NGR) for Dimension Lumber1 with simplified grade names and sizes to ensure uniformity, efficiency, and economy in the use of dimension lumber. The NGR was incorporated in the SPIB’s Standard Grading Rules for Southern Pine Lumber.

Dimension lumber sizes and grades are:
Structural Light Framing:
- 2″ to 4″ thick and 2″ to 4″ wide
- Select Structural, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3
- Select Structural, No. 1, and No. 2 grades also include dense and non-dense options
Light Framing:
- 2″ to 4″ thick and 2″ to 4″ wide
- Construction, standard, and utility
- 2″ to 4″ thick and 2″ to 4″ wide
- Stud
Structural Joists & Planks:
- 2″ to 4″ thick and 5″ and wider
- Select Structural, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3
- Select Structural, No. 1, and No. 2 grades also include dense and non-dense options