From the Executive Director: August 2024

August 2024

Help Me Welcome Tolko Industries to SFPA!

SFPA is very excited to welcome another new lumber manufacturer member, Tolko Industries, to its community of Southern Pine lumber manufacturing members! Tolko joining SFPA brings the Association’s lumber manufacturer roster to 14 and will further help our efforts to promote Southern Pine lumber as the premier building material.

Tolko’s decision to join SFPA reflects its support for SFPA and the Southern Pine lumber industry, and the board of directors, SFPA members, and staff welcome their dedication to the Association. Click here to learn more about Tolko!

SFPA Associate Membership Continues to Grow

As SFPA’s lumber manufacturer membership continues to grow, with the addition of Tolko Industries our Associate Member roster is expanding too, with the following companies:

These two members bring our Associate Members roster to 154, and there are still a few new members going through onboarding which we’ll introduce you to soon!

If you’ve been thinking about joining SFPA, now is the time. We place great value on our partnerships with our members, and I commend the pivotal role those partnerships have played in our achievements and expansion as an association and an industry.

Our members, distinguished industry visionaries, recognize the transformative impact of community, and the connections forged through SFPA initiatives foster substantial growth throughout the entire Southern Pine lumber industry, from inception to completion.

Click here to explore the benefits of SFPA membership, then start your application process by clicking here.

Have You Reserved Your Booth for Forest Products EXPO 2025?

Exhibit space reservations for EXPO 2025 are outpacing the previous show – having nearly 80% of the floor plan under contract or pending as of August 12 – and there are still prime spaces available and waiting for you! Click here to reserve your space today.

Not receiving emails to reserve your space? To ensure you receive important EXPO-related communications, we recommend you whitelist the domain to ensure you don’t miss any important Forest Products EXPO news.

We are well on our way to surpass the 217 exhibitors from 2023, a record number last reached in 2007. And it’s not too late to reserve your space for the 38th Forest Products Machinery & Equipment Exposition, which returns to the Music City Center in Nashville from August 6-8, 2025.

Remember, SFPA associate members receive discounted exhibit space rates. Not an SFPA member yet? Click here to explore the EXPO benefits you’ll receive (and click here for full SFPA Membership benefits)!

Fun fact: 64% of our list of exhibitors as of August 12 are SFPA members, and we hear time and time again from attendees that working with exhibitors who are members is important, as it shows a commitment to the industry. Something to think about…

We’re also putting the final touches on sponsorship opportunities guaranteed to make your brand stand out before and during EXPO, so keep an eye out for those this fall.

Have questions about the show? Visit or email

American Wood Council Lifecycle Reporting

The American Wood Council (AWC) Life Cycle Survey is live, and SFPA is proud to coordinate with its Lumber Manufacturer members to engage in this important project to meet the growing transparency demands and position wood – and Southern Pine – as the premier building material.

The survey, which AWC runs to collect annual mill-level data to produce industry-specific Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), serves as a central data collection point that allows strengthened data analysis and market transparency positioning the industry as a leader in sustainability and environmental performance indicators.

We can’t wait to see and share the results! Ready to complete the survey? Click here!

Promotional Activities

SFPA is always somewhere representing the industry and promoting the benefits and best use of Southern Pine. We’ve had and will have a busy few weeks with the following events:

  • Tecno Mueble trade show in Guadalajara, Mexico, from August 14-17.
  • Expo Camacol in Medellín, Colombia, from August 21-24.

Members, don’t forget to check out the trip reports and trade leads from each of these international shows!