Global Promotion and Insight

Southern Pine

Global Promotion
and Insight

Did you know the Southern Forest Products Association receives more than
$1 million annually from the USDA to support Southern Pine lumber market development in overseas markets?

USDA funds provided to American Softwoods (AMSO) cooperators under the Foreign Market Development Program and Market Access Program, including SFPA and its partners the Softwood Export Council and APA – The Engineered Wood Association, are targeted for the generic promotion of U.S. forest products. When marketing domestic softwood lumber and engineered wood products, products are promoted generically under the AMSO banner.

SFPA’s International Program, supported by those USDA funds, has operated for more than 35 years, providing benefits to companies involved in the export market. A primary advantage of the program includes representation at major trade events and member travel reimbursement for approved activities and sponsored trade events that provide participating companies a place to connect with prospective buyers.

Some of the benefits include:

Events typically include:

How Does This Work?

When a person travels, they are reimbursed 100 percent of allowable expenses as defined by FAS. When the reimbursement check is sent to the traveler’s company, an invoice for dues is included with the reimbursement check.

Dues for these activities are collected on an individualized per-event, per-traveler basis; determined using a formula of 25 percent of a member’s travel reimbursement received from SFPA for attending an international event.

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