Welcome to the

Southern Forest Products Community

We’re stronger together. That was the idea behind the initial founding of the original Southern Pine Association in 1915, and it remains the core of the Southern Forest Products Association (SFPA) today. Keep reading if you’re ready to join SFPA!

As a collective industry association, we pool our resources to:

SFPA members are visionary industry leaders who understand the power of working together:

Finally, and importantly, all SFPA members understand the power of operating as a collective to offer a broad range of programs and networking opportunities. The connections forged through SFPA activities are driving significant growth for the southern pine industry.

Become a Member Today

If your company produces Southern Pine products or provides products and services to manufacturers of Southern Pine products, we invite you to consider becoming an SFPA member.

Joining is simple! Just download and fill out our Membership Application below, and then return to SFPA with your dues (details on application). We also have a Membership Packet available with complete information about SFPA’s programs and services.

Exclusive SFPA Member Benefits





Will you join us?

Download our Member Benefits Book with complete information about SFPA’s programs and services.  Included in this packet is a Membership Application, with dues rates listed.

Download our Member Benefits Book with complete information about SFPA’s programs and services.  Included in this packet is a Membership Application, with dues rates listed.