Southern Pine Deck Framing Lumber

Framing Lumber for

Southern Pine Decks

Choosing the right Southern Pine deck framing lumber is crucial for your project. While it might seem like a simple task, the quality and type of lumber you select can have a significant impact on everything from structural integrity to appearance.  

One of the most important roles of Southern Pine deck framing lumber is as a supporting structure. Beams, bracing, and joists work together to provide a solid, stable deck platform that safely supports vertical loads and resists lateral (side-to-side) forces. See the Prescriptive Residential Wood Deck Construction Guide for beam sizes and assembly details, beam span types, joist sizes, spans including maximum overhang lengths, and diagonal bracing requirements.

Common PracticeSuperior Performance
SelectionBeamsNo. 2 (2)2x6, (2)2x8, (2)2x10, (2)2x12BeamsNo. 1 (3)2x6, (3)2x8, (3)2x10, (3)2x12
Glued-laminated timber or structural composite lumber to size.
BracingNo. 2 2x4, 2x6BracingNo. 1 2x4, 2x6
JoistsNo. 2 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12JoistsNo. 1 2x8, 2x10, 2x12
InstallationSpace joists 24" on center maximumSpace joists 16" on center maximum
Space joists 16" on center maximum if decking is diagonalSpace joists 16" on center maximum if decking is diagonal
To improve fastener grip, double joists
where deck boards abut.
DurabilityPressure treated for Above Ground UsePressure treated for Above Ground Use
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TIP: Support posts can be notched within limits to accommodate bearing for the beam. However, notching may expose untreated wood to decay. Notching also reduces the post cross section, thus reducing strength. To avoid notching, use a post cap connector to attach the beam directly on top of the post. Notching is prohibited in areas subject to high winds or seismic activity.

To learn more about proper planning, building a deck, building a porch, and finishing and maintenance, check out our Southern Pine Decks and Porches publication, a comprehensive guide to the specification and construction using pressure-treated Southern Pine.

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