Benefits and Advantages


Foundation Benefits and Advantages

American homes have been built on raised wood floor foundations since colonial times, and the aesthetic and practical reasons for building a raised home still apply today.

From improved ventilation and accessibility to flood resistance and sustainability, raised wood floor foundations offer a range of benefits and advantages over other types of home foundations.

The Sustainable Option

The raised wood floor foundation is a wise choice for sustainable home construction and community development.

Raised wood floor foundations support the floodplain management principle of “No Adverse Impact” on the rights of neighboring property owners and communities. Conversely, slab-on-fill developments alter the natural floodplain, leading to higher water levels and more frequent flooding.

Where slabs can smother the root systems of valuable trees, raised floor pier footers minimally disrupt roots and save trees that might otherwise be removed near a slab.

They also leave a softer environmental footprint compared to alternatives such as concrete and steel. Wood is the only renewable building material, whereas steel and concrete production use finite resources that require more energy and emit more pollutants. Additionally, wood contributes fewer greenhouse gases during the manufacturing process than its nonrenewable counterparts.

10 Additional Benefits

Builder Advantages

Satisfying the higher expectations of today’s homebuyers presents new challenges. With raised wood floor foundations, building professionals:

Check out our Raised Wood Floor Foundations publication, a comprehensive design and construction guide for using Southern Pine for raised wood floor systems.

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