A modern-day lumber mill in the U.S. is highly sophisticated and can turn logs into standard ready-to-use lumber in a matter of minutes. But what about custom lumber dimensions?
But the process is highly automated, using X-ray scanning, 3-D modeling, lasers, and a host of computer analysis to determine the maximum value of lumber a log can yield. For this reason, mills are rarely able to stop the production line to re-tool to run custom lumber dimensions and sizes.
Examples of standard lumber dimensions include:
- No. 1, No. 2, No. 3., and studs (2″ to 4″ thick, 2″ and wider)
- No. 1 and No. 2 Prime (2″ to 4″ thick, 2″ to 12″ wide)
Examples of custom sizes include, but are not limited to:
- Dense and non-dense select structural
- No. 1 and No. 2 dense and non-dense
- Construction (2″ to 4″ wide only)
- Standard (2″ to 4″ wide only)
- Utility (2″ to 4″ wide only)
- Timbers: 5″ x 5″ and larger
- E-rated Structural Laminations: 4″ and less in thickness, 2″ and wider
- Glued Lumber: 4″ and less in thickness, widths vary by product
- Scaffold Plank: 2″ and 3″ thick, 8″ and wider
- Stadium Grade: 2″ thick, 4″ to 12″ wide
- Seawall Grades: 2″ to 4″ thick, 6″ to 14″ wide
- Marine Grades: 1″ to 20″ thick, 2″ to 20″ wide
- Decking, Heavy Roofing and Heavy Shiplap: 2″ to 4″ thick, 4″ and wider
If you need custom lumber dimensions or sizes, it’s often best to order from a remanufacturing operation or export wholesaler with the capability to re-saw lumber into the desired size.